This assignment is Homework 17, and is due at classtime on Friday, April 7.

The following exercises involve recursion. Before you write any code, think about each problem and answer the following:


  1. Write a recursive function called revList() that reverses a list.

    Your function should take a list as its argument, and it should return a new list containing the same elements as the original list, but in the reverse order.

    For example, revList(['a', 2, True]) should return [True, 2, 'a'].

    This is Exercise 2 in the Recursion Exercises of the online Python text.

  2. A palindrome is a word or phrase that read the same forward and backwards, such as "racecar". Write a recursive function called isPalindrome() that determines whether or not a string is a palindrome.

    For example, isPalindrome('racecar') should return True, while isPalindrome('computer') should return False.

  3. The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …. The first two numbers of the sequence are each 1; otherwise, each number is the sum of the preceeding two.

    Write a recursive function, fibonacci(n), that computes the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence.

    Specifically, let F1 = 1, F2 = 1, and Fn = Fn – 1 + Fn – 2 for n > 2. A call to fibonacci(n) should return the value of Fn.

    For example, fibonacci(4) should return 3, and fibonacci(15) should return 610.

    This is Exercise 5 in the Recursion Exercises of the online Python text.

  4. Modify the recursive tree program to produce a more realistic tree. Specifically, implement any three of the following ideas:

    This is Exercise 3 in the Recursion Exercises of the online Python text.

Submitting your work

After you have finished your solutions, paste them into a single Python file. Make sure that Python can run your file without error! Please use comments (lines that begin with a # symbol) to clearly state the problem number for each solution in your file. Save your file and upload it to the HW17 assignment on Moodle.