Matthew L. Wright
Associate Professor, St. Olaf College

Calculus II

Math 126 ⋅ Fall 2019

This is a past course that has already concluded. If you are looking for a current course, please click here.

Prof. Wright's office hours in RMS 405: Mon. 9:00–10:00am, Tues. 9:30–10:30am, Wed. 2:00–3:00pm, Thurs 1:00–2:00pm, Fri. 9:00–10:00am, whenever the door is open, or by appointment

Supplemental Instruction (SI): Sun. 4:00–5:00pm in RNS 206, Mon. 6:30–7:30pm in RNS 206, Thurs. 8:00–9:00pm in RNS 204

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September 6
Review: derivatives
Do the following before next class:
September 9
Review: definite integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Do the following before next class:
September 11
Review: antiderivatives and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Do the following before next class:
September 13
Integration by substitution
Quiz today
on derivatives
Do the following before next class:
September 16
Integration by parts
Do the following before next class:
September 18
Finish integration by parts
Computer and numerical integration
Do the following before next class:
September 20
Definite integrals: area
Do the following before next class:
September 23
Definite integrals: length and volume
Quiz today
on integrals
Do the following before next class:
September 25
Definite integrals: volume
Do the following before next class:
September 27
Review for exam.
Study for Exam 1. See information below, problems from class, and review problems on Edfinity.
September 30
Exam 1
  • This exam will cover derivatives and integrals, focusing on the sections of Active Calculus that we have studied, up to Section 6.2.
  • You may bring a 3-by-5 inch index card filled (on both sides) with any reference material that you would like during the exam. Index cards will be provided in class on Sept. 27.
  • Calculators will be permitted, but probably not very helpful, and certainly not necessary.
  • Books, phones, and internet-capable devices will not be permitted during the exam.
  • A set of review problems is available on Edfinity.
Do the following before next class:
October 2
Improper integrals
Do the following before next class:

Extra credit opportunity: Attend either of Dr. Eugenia Cheng's talks on Thursday, October 3 (3:30pm in Tomson 280 or 7:00pm in Carleton Weitz Cinema) and answer these two questions on Moodle to earn two extra-credit homework points.

October 4
Sequences and limits
Do the following before next class:
October 7
Geometric series
Do the following before next class:
October 9
Geometric Series
Do the following before next class:
October 11
Quiz today on improper
integrals and sequences
Fall break! No class Monday, October 14.
Do the following before next class:
October 16
Power series
Do the following before next class:
October 18
Power series
Do the following before next class:
October 21
Power series representation of functions
Quiz today on geometric
series and integral test
Do the following before next class:
October 23
Taylor polynomials and Taylor series
Do the following before next class:
October 25
Using Taylor polynomials and Taylor series
Do the following before next class:
October 28
Review for exam
Study for Exam 2. See information below, problems from class, and review problems on Edfinity.
October 30
Exam 2
  • This exam will cover improper integrals, sequences, and series. This includes all of the topics that we have studied since the first exam.
  • You may bring a 3-by-5 inch index card filled (on both sides) with any reference material that you would like during the exam. Index cards will be provided in class on Oct. 28.
  • Calculators will be permitted, but probably not very helpful, and certainly not necessary.
  • Books, phones, and internet-capable devices will not be permitted during the exam.
  • A set of review problems is available on Edfinity.
No homework for Friday!
November 1
Functions of several variables
Do the following before next class:
November 4
Do the following before next class:

Bonus videos by Prof. Ghrist: quadratic surfaces, high-dimensional coordinates in robotics, distance via coordinates, vector components, vector algebra

November 6
Dot product
Do the following before next class:
November 8
Cross product
Quiz today on multivariable
functions and vectors
Do the following before next class:
November 11
Lines and planes in space
Do the following before next class:
November 13
Partial derivatives
Do the following before next class:
November 15
Partial derivatives
Quiz today on dot product,
cross product, and lines
Do the following before next class:

Sunday SI will be held in RNS 206 from 8:00 to 9:00pm.

November 18
Tangent planes and linear approximations
Do the following before next class:
November 20
Second-order partial derivatives and directional derivatives
Do the following before next class:

This week, Thursday SI has moved to Friday, 6:00 to 7:00pm in RNS 206.

November 22
Review for exam
Do the following before next class:
November 25
Exam 3
  • This exam will cover the material we have studied after Exam 2: multivariable functions, vectors, lines and planes, partial derivatives, etc..
  • You may bring a 3-by-5 inch index card filled (on both sides) with any reference material that you would like during the exam. Index cards will be provided in class on Nov. 22.
  • Calculators will be permitted, but probably not very helpful, and certainly not necessary.
  • Books, phones, and internet-capable devices will not be permitted during the exam.
  • A set of review problems is available on Edfinity.
Thanksgiving break! No class November 27 or 29.
December 2
Double integrals over rectangles
Do the following before next class:

Bonus videos by Prof. Ghrist: The Definite Integral (in n dimensions), Multiple Integrals - What & Why?

December 4
Iterated integrals
Do the following before next class:

Bonus videos by Prof. Ghrist: The Fubini Theorem, Iterated Integrals

December 6
Double integrals over triangles
Do the following before next class:
December 9
Double integrals over general regions
Quiz today on double and
iterated integrals over rectangles
Do the following before next class:
December 11
Review day
Study for the exam. A big set of optional review problems is available on Edfinity.
December 17
Final Exam, 2–4pm
  • This exam will be cumulative, with emphasis on material from the end of the semester (partial derivatives and double integrals). Here is a topic list.
  • You may bring one page containing any reference material that you would like during the exam.
  • Calculators will be permitted, but probably not very helpful, and certainly not necessary.
  • Books, phones, and internet-capable devices will not be permitted during the exam.
  • A big set of optional review problems is available on Edfinity.
  • Lastly, make sure you are familiar with the St. Olaf final exam policies.