This page was last updated in June 2024.
My curriculum vitae (updated September 2024) also contains a list of selected presentations.

Selected Invited Lectures
Efficiently Computing the Bigraded Betti Numbers: given at Applications and Statistics of Multidimensional Persistence at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) in August 2016.
Introduction to Persistent Homology: Section NExT Invited Lecture at the MAA North Central Section Meeting at Macalaster College (St. Paul, MN) in April 2016.
Computing Multidimensional Persistent Homology: given at Applied Topology and High-Dimensional Data Analysis at the University of Victoria in August 2015
How Many Ways are there to Juggle?: An introduction to the mathematics of juggling, given in the mathematics seminar at Macalaster College in February 2015; slides made in collaboration with John Chase links
Computing Persistent Homology: an introduction to the computation of persistent homology, given at CIMAT in January 2015 links
Euler Integration and Data Analysis: computer science and mathematics lecture at Bryn Mawr College in November 2014
Visualizing Multidimensional Persistent Homology: given in the Industrial and Applied Mathematics Seminar at the University of Oxford in November 2014
Euler Integration and Applications: given in the Mathematics Colloquium at the University of Mary Washington in October 2014
Intrinsic Volumes of Random Cubical Complexes: an introduction to random cubical complexes and their intrinsic volumes, given at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications in April 2014 and at the Technion (in Haifa, Israel) in May 2014 links
Hadwiger Integration and Applications: a 50-minute explanation of valuations, intrinsic volumes, Hadwiger's theorem, and Hadwiger integrals given at The Ohio State University in November 2013 links
Hadwiger Integration and Applications: a 25-minute talk given at the Applied Topology conference in Będlewo, Poland, in July 2013 links
Other Presentations
Multidimensional Persistence: Computation and Applications: given at Applied Algebraic Topology 2017 (Sapporo, Japan).
Hadwiger and Lefschetz: Valuations on Simplical Maps: given in the Postdoc Seminar at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications in December 2013
Benefits of Collaborative Writing for Learning: a 15-minute talk given at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in San Diego, January 2013
Hadwiger Integration of Random Fields: a 50-minute talk given in the Geometry Seminar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in October 2012
Math Research: Patterns, Potatoes, and Problem Solving: a 50-minute talk given at Huntington University in September 2012
Euler Integration and Applications: a 50-minute talk given for the Purdue University Math Club in April 2012