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Welcome to Modern Computational Math! For course info and policies, please see the syllabus. For grades, log into Moodle. If you need help, contact Prof. Wright.
Online office hours: Email Prof. Wright to schedule an appointment.
Mathematica Resources
- Hands-on Start to Mathematica
- Fast Introduction for Math Students
- Fast Introduction for Programmers
- An Elementary Introduction to the Wolfram Language
Python Resources
- Video: Getting started with Google Colaboratory
- Online Python notebook: Welcome to Colaboratory (We will use Google Colaboratory, or "Colab", for writing Python notebooks.)
- Python for Beginners, with links to many other resources, including this tutorial. Note that you don't need to install anything to use Python—just run your Python code in a Google Colab notebook.
- Markdown Guide for formatting text cells in Colab.
Colloquium Videos
If you were not able to attend an MSCS Colloquium or Research Seminar on campus, then watch one of the math lectures linked here to fulfill the Colloquium/Seminar assignment. As you watch, think about how computation is used or could be used in the mathematics described in the talk, and answer three questions on Moodle.
- Mathematics Making Sense of Sensors (Robert Ghrist, IMA Public Lecture)
- Alan Turing: The Power of Mathematical Discovery (Andrew Hodges, IMA Public Lecture)
- Secrecy, privacy, and deception: the mathematics of cryptography (Jill Pipher, IMA Public Lecture)
- Waving Tails, Spiny Disks, and Sticky Situations: Explorations in Biological Fluid Dynamics (Lisa Fauci, IMA Public Lecture)
- Algebra, statistics, computation and biology (Bernd Sturmfels, IMA Public Lecture)
- Folding a New Tomorrow: Origami Meets Math and Science (Thomas Hull, MAA Distinguished Lecture)
- Mathematics Makes Communication Possible (Judy Walker, MAA Distinguished Lecture)
- Easy to State but Hard to Solve: Favorite Open Problems in Polyhedral Geometry (Jesús A. De Loera, MAA Distinguished Lecture)
- Political Geometry (Moon Duchin, Public Lecture at the 2018 JMM)
- Algebraic Structures on Polytopes (Frederico Ardila, AMS Invited Address at the 2018 JMM)
- Information, Computation, Optimization... (William Cook, MAA Invited Address at the 2018 JMM)
- Symmetry, almost (Amanda Folsom, MAA Invited Address at the 2019 JMM)