Matthew L. Wright
Associate Professor, St. Olaf College


MATH 348 ⋅ Fall 2024

    This is a past course that has already concluded. If you are looking for a current course, please click here.

September 5
Introduction; Continuous functions
Do the following before next class:
September 10
Do the following before next class:
  • Begin Homework 1, which is due next Tuesday, September 17.
  • Read Sections 3.1 and 3.2, at least through Example 3.24, in the Essential Topology textbook and complete the reading questions. Bring your completed reading questions to class on Thursday.
September 12
Topological spaces

Bonus video: Paths to Math: John Urschel

Do the following before next class:
September 17
Subspace topology
Homework 1
due at 5pm
Do the following before next class:
  • Begin Homework 2, which is due next Tuesday, September 24.
  • Read from the beginning of Section 3.4 through page 39 in the Essential Topology textbook and complete the reading questions. Bring your completed reading questions to class on Thursday.
September 19

Bonus video: Eugenia Cheng on The Late Show

Do the following before next class:
September 24
Connectedness and Compactness
Homework 2
due at 5pm
Do the following before next class:
September 26

Bonus: video How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking - with Jordan Ellenberg and article The Psychology of Statistics by Jordan Ellenberg

MSCS Showcase Thursday, September 26, 4:30pm, Tomson 280

MSCS Colloquium: How many ways are there to juggle? Monday, September 30, 3:30–4:30pm in RNS 210

Do the following before next class:
  • Re-read Sections 4.1 and 4.2 in the text. There are no reading questions for Tuesday.
  • Finish Homework 3 and upload your soloutions to the Homework 3 assignment on Moodle.
  • Read the Exam 1 Info. Recall the precise definitions for each concept, as well as examples of things that satisfy or don't satisfy each definition. Think through the proofs of the results stated on the exam info page.
October 1
Hausdorff property
Homework 3
due at 5pm

Northfield Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium Tuesday, October 1, 3:15–6:45pm at Carleton

Do the following before next class:
  • Review the Exam 1 Info.
  • Re-read sections 2.1 through 4.2 in the text.
  • Make sure you can state precise definitions and give examples (with justification) of the concepts on the exam info page.
  • Make sure you can give proofs of the five results on the exam info page.
October 3
Do the following before next class:
  • Read Sections 4.3 in the text. There are no reading questions for Tuesday.
  • Begin Homework 4. This homework is shorter than usual and is due on Thursday, October 10.
October 8
Do the following before next class:
October 10
Unions and products
Homework 4
due at 5pm

Terence Tao: blog and "The Potential for AI in Science and Mathematics"

MSCS Research Seminar: Craig Kaplan, "Computing Tiling Properties of Polyforms," Thursday, October 10, 11:30am–12:30pm in RNS 203

Have a great fall break! No class October 15.
Do the following before next class:
October 17

Kathryn Hess: "Scientists discover hidden patterns of brain activity" and "Digital Neuroscientist of the Future"

Do the following before next class:
October 22
Quotient spaces and configuration spaces
Homework 5
due at 5pm
Do the following before next class:
October 24
Finish quotient spaces; Begin homotopy

Bonus: Steven Strogatz "How things in nature tend to sync up" and The Joy of x podcast

Do the following before next class:
October 29
Homework 6
due at 5pm
Do the following before next class:
October 31
Homotopy and the circle

Bonus: Why is Mathematics Useful — Robert Ghrist, and Intro to Topological Data Analysis

MSCS Colloquium: Prof. Steven McKelvey: "One Person, One Vote: The Electoral College, Gerrymandering and the Mathematics of Optimization" Monday, November 4, 3:30pm in RNS 210

Do the following before next class:
  • In the Essential Topology textbook, read as much as you like from Section 6.3.
  • Work on finding at least three sources for your term paper. Refer to the Term Paper Information.
  • Finish Homework 7 and upload your soloutions to the Homework 7 assignment on Moodle.
  • Study for Exam 2. Make sure you know the definitions from Chapters 4–6 and can demonstrate examples that satisfy or don't satisfy each definition. Review homework problems, and study the proofs of the five results listed on the Exam 2 info page.
November 5
Homotopy and the circle
Homework 7
due at 5pm
Do the following before next class:
  • Study for Exam 2.
  • Re-read Sections 4.1 through 6.2 in the Essential Topology textbook.
  • Make sure you know the definitions from Chapters 4–6. Make sure you can give examples and justify why they satisfy or don't satisfy each definition.
  • Practice writing the proofs of the five results on the exam info page.
  • Review homework problems (solutions are posted).
November 7
Exam 2
Do the following before next class:
  • Work on finding your term paper. Read sources and prepare an outline of your paper. Your paper outline will be due Thursday, Nov. 14. Refer to the Term Paper Information.
November 12
Do the following before next class:
November 14
Simplicial complexes and Euler characteristic
Term paper
outline due

Bonus video: Francis Su — Mathematics for Human Flourishing short version and long version

Do the following before next class:
  • Read Section 9.1 in the Essential Topology textbook and complete the reading questions. Bring your completed reading questions to class on Tuesday.
  • Begin Homework 8, which is due next Thursday.
  • Work on your Term Paper. Continue reading sources and start writing a draft of your paper.
November 19
Do the following before next class:
November 21
Simplicial homology
Homework 8
due at 5pm

Bonus videos: Satyan Devadoss — Blue Collar Mathematics and Mage Merlin's Unsolved Mathematical Mysteries

Do the following before next class:
  • Re-read Section 9.1 in the Essential Topology textbook.
  • Work on your Term Paper. Continue reading sources and start writing a draft of your paper. A draft of your paper is due Tuesday, November 26. One person from your group should upload your draft to the Term Paper Draft item on Moodle.
November 26
Term paper
draft due
There is no assignment over break.
Have a great Thanksgiving break! No class November 28.
December 3
Do the following before next class:
December 5
Simplicial complexes from data; Persistent homology
Term paper

Bonus videos: Christmas Lectures 2019: How to Get Lucky — Hannah Fry and The Future with Hannah Fry

Do the following before next class:
December 10
Persistent homology; Topological data analysis
Homework 9
due at 5pm
We've made it to the end of the semester!
December 13
Final Exam 9:00 – 11:00am